How do I access the in-game settings? As Overgrowth is in alpha, the in-game settings menu is one of many things that is under development. There are no current plans for [This looks like Lugaru Overgrowth is the successor to Lugaru, by the same team, [who were initially responsible for the [which you may have heard of. Is there multiplayer? There is local split-screen multiplayer only, one player on a gamepad, and one on keyboard and mouse. I bought the game on Steam, how do I claim my free copies of and from these stickied posts. To work around it, you can view your CD key from the Steam client running on Windows, and then use it to generate an SPF key as detailed above. I can't see my CD key in the Steam client! As of December 2013, there appears to be a bug within Steam on OS X and Linux where this information is not visible this is a Steam issue. with a longer version of these instructions. Otherwise, if you purchased via or see the earlier FAQ above. Then go to (but replace YOURCDKEYHERE with your CD key) to gain access to the. There are full instructions and a video at If you no longer have access to the email address you preordered from, please email for help How do I access the Secret Preorder Forum? If you bought on Steam: right click Overgrowth in your Steam library, 'View CD key', copy to clipboard. I tried going to humble bundle and on the forums to see if i could get it.

I have preordered Overgrowth on steam but i want the SUM launcher too. I don't know my login for Go to or and provide the email address you used to order it. If it's not listed, at the top of the home page, click 'Claim past purchases' and see if it's listed there. Go to your library page at and the link to your Overgrowth page is at the bottom under 'Overgrowth Alpha', there's a link inside there to get your key. I preordered Overgrowth a long time ago (possibly in a galaxy far, far away) from, how do I get my Steam key? Everybody who has preordered is entitled to a Steam key.

Check out [and the Overgrowth factbooks on the Wolfire.

I want to know more about the world of Overgrowth. I don't want blood! Edit your config file (see below) to include 'blood: 0' or edit the settings to turn blood off. Overgrowth is the sequel to Lugaru, amongst other reasons detailed in that article.

What's Overgrowth? What can I do in it? There's an up to date (June 2014, alpha 206) overview in the and there are pretty frequent updates posted to Why ninja rabbits? Overgrowth finally released today, ! Thank you for ten years of support and pioneering early access! Please feel free to suggest alterations and additions.